Hoxie High School is proud to announce that one of our very own sophomores, Nadia Greer, has been accepted to be part of the 2023 EAST Conference Leadership Team. We are extremely proud of Nadia for the dedication she has put in to being chosen for such an amazing opportunity. Each year, only a select number of students from all around Arkansas are chosen to help the EAST staff manage and document the entire conference. These students are then split into three groups which include the Technical Support Team, the Documentation Team, and the Ambassador Team. Out of these groups, the EAST Initiative committee decided to choose Nadia to be on the Ambassador Team. As she is a part of this team, Nadia could be assigned to several duties at conference which include registration, greeting VIPs, scanning attendees for breakout sessions, opening and closing ceremony entertainment, etc. With Nadia’s can-do attitude, we know that she will thrive in any situation and at any task she is assigned to.
To be considered for the Ambassador Team, Nadia had to meet the list of requirements submitted by EAST Initiative. First, she had to complete an application for the position she hoped to get a spot on. Then, Nadia obtained parental consent for full conference and retreat participation including media release to notify EAST that they fully support her aspirations. Lastly, she had to have our EAST facilitator fill out a nomination form which gave an overview of Nadia’s journey in EAST and how she has contributed to our local chapter. With all the requirements met, Nadia submitted her application and in no time, we received the amazing news that she was chosen for the Ambassador Team.
On February 13th and 14th, Nadia attended a two-day overnight retreat at the 4-H Center in Little Rock, Arkansas. At this retreat, Nadia participated in training that will prepare her for the conference in March. She also participated in several team building activities, which allowed her to get familiar with the other students across Arkansas who were chosen to be a part of the three Ambassador teams.
Our Hoxie EAST program would also like to recognize our 2023 EAST Conference Team. In addition to Nadia, we have a great team of students which include Emma Jones, Noah Green, Cailin Jones, Emma Hill, Ava Chambers, Caroline Christoffersen, Andrew Simkins, and Jagger Montgomery. These students will be traveling to Hot Springs in March to represent EAST at Hoxie High and present our program projects.