Hoxie Schools will host a Veteran's Day program for the public in the Mustang gym next Friday, November 10, 2023 at 9am. Veterans are invited to sit in the chairs placed on the gym floor. Veterans and their families may attend the reception in the HS Health room following the event.
![veterans day](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/5942140/large_YwuRXiVPjBtQ0g7qGuSX0g.png)
Seniors enjoyed attending BRTC for Bucks and Ducks. Students went on a tour and then ate bbq and participated in the games and activities. Go Blackhawks!
![Bucks and Ducks](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/5947831/large_xcud86KHR6_ClWPeLchAow.png)
THIS IS THE GAME! Come out and support your Mustangs on Friday, November 3, 2023 to determine the 3A-3 Conference Championship. It is also Senior night. The seniors from football, cheer, and band will be presented at 6:30pm with kick-off at 7pm. Watch the livestream on Hoxie Schools YouTube page https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWhiDzzeicS3ptRJM81pQhw
![fb sr nite](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/5940064/large_rtL3_DrDIzHJhH7fGWl9jw.png)
From The Counseling Office;
We had a great tour at UCA today! So many opportunities and such a beautiful campus! Go Bears!
![UCA tour with Seniors](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/5943507/large_ePvyQM8SQR9YC9wv1XkL_Q.png)
Congratulations to Piper Greer and Diayla Davis for being chosen Jr. High All-Conference for the 2023 volleyball season.
Congratulations to Bailey Prater, Hannah Riggs, Nadia Greer, and Gracie Felton on being named All-Conference for the 2023 Volleyball season.
The 2023-24 Hoxie Schools yearbooks are now available to order online at yearbookforever.com. Search: Hoxie, AR and use the online coupon codes posted when placing your order. You can also order the senior graduate pages, submit your digital photos, and add a personalized message to your 2024 graduate on the same site. Online ordering with the coupons will be open until 12/15/23. Full price paper order forms will be sent out in February. Get yours online today! Contact erica.anglin@hoxieschools.com for more information.
![online yearbook sales](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/5894033/large_lmakFMGklICobQifQoZF3w.png)
Congratulations Nolan Blackshear for being named the Lawrence County Farm Bureau Football Player of the Week. Your Hoxie Mustangs will take on the WR Bobcats this Friday night on Crider field for the conference championship! Come out and support your Mustangs!
Congratulations to these students who had ZERO unexcused absences in the first six weeks of school! Attendance Matters!
![Seventh grade students](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/5856943/large_HWvBmCHminfMSZwhPPJ1UQ.png)
![Eighth grade students](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/5856944/large_7r855PxkIGi-7WXqLTLDgg.png)
![Freshman students](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/5856945/large_Iix1MZxexWgTBauP_r21QA.png)
![Sophomore students](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/5856946/large_V_XIVJHLc1ewmdjaVwjYBg.png)
![Students in grades 7-9](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/5856951/large_z6-si9dJL6iTrhtOv-1kzw.png)
![Students grades 10-12](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/5856952/large_ZaS9GdG_e7iwAL0JsT7ZIQ.png)
Come out and support the Mighty Mustangs as they take on the Osceola Seminoles Friday night! Student section wear your NEON! Kickoff is at 7pm on Crider field.
The Suncom Media and NEA Sports Magazine High School Game of the Week will feature the Osceola Seminoles and the Hoxie Mustangs Football Game. The game will be streamed on Facebook LIVE beginning approximately 6:40 pm on Friday, October 27, 2023. Their Facebook info is: www.Facebook.com/SoncomMedia. Come out and support Your Mustangs!
![game day](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/5823088/large_u8rDHoiK7y2h3P1pKyBJZA.jpeg)
Due to early dismissal, tutoring is canceled today.
Due to continued power outages on campus, Hoxie School District will dismiss today at 11:30 am. Buses will leave at 11:30 am. Please contact the office if you have any questions. School will resume as normal on Friday, October 27th.
When purchasing a ticket for tomorrow's Junior high game at Osceola, you can go to gofan.co and search for Osceola High School. OR, you can scan the QR code that will take you straight to the correct page. Also, OHS has a clear bag policy inside the gates of Seminole Stadium. No tobacco, tobacco products (vapes, lighters, etc), alcohol, or firearms are allowed in the stadium.
![Osceola go fan link](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/5807390/large_TTPZIrkg42o-SjppVdHDDw.png)
Announcement - Football Game on Thursday, 10/26 at Osceola Stadium - First game starts at 5:30 pm
When purchasing a ticket for tomorrow's game, you can go to gofan.co and search for Osceola High School OR, you can scan the attached QR code that will take you straight to the correct page.
Also, Osceola High School has a clear bag policy inside the gates of Seminole Stadium. No tobacco, tobacco products (vapes, lighters, etc), alcohol, or firearms are allowed in the stadium.
![QR Code for tickets to Osceola game 10/26/23](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/5807244/large_qzEEb5fAcEAsGj4WIC7bMQ.png)
Tomorrow is the last day to order a Halloween Bag. Bags can be delivered to high school and elementary students. Order forms are available in elementary and high school offices.
Mrs. Cornish's students are practicing for CNA certification.
HOSA Pharmacy Day at UAMS
Hoxie Jr High Chess Team competed against 82 other students from area schools at the NEA Co-Op on October 23rd. The team placed 4th overall. Maddox Rose and Maxwell Johnston tied for 4th out of the 82 players. Maddox and Maxwell both won 4 of their 5 games. Other notable performances where Braiden Langston and River Warden won 3 of their 5 games. Hoxie Sr High Students Andrew Simkins and Canyon Durham helped judge the Jr high tournament.
On October 14th the Hoxie chess team competed in the Collegiate division of the Scarlet Chess Clubs Fall Frenzy Chess Tournament. Lance Robins won first place and Canyon Durham placed second. Congratulations!